
Our animation 'A Night of Fame' will explore the relation between 'musical composition/soundscape and animated space' and 'subversion the law of physiology, gravity or movement through time and space'.

'A Night of Fame' is a experimental Stop-Animated music video with a documentary feel to it, simply because it documents the events and activities of our two main characters which leads up to their musical performance their 'Night of Fame'.

Reason behind chosen theoretical concepts:

Through our character development we came to an agreement on the design for our characters. Though they take the basic form of a human, two arms and two legs, does not mean that they will move like humans. Therefor subversion the law physiology, gravity or movement through time and space is so relevant.

The relation between musical composition/soundscape and animated space is self explanatory due to the film being a music video.

The narrative of the music video is a closed one, it builds up to a climax and then quickly descends as the film draws to a end. The story follows the two main characters Gee Gee and DFlow on the quest to make it big in the music industry. With a bit of passion and luck the two made a demo track posted it to the major players in the music industry. After two week they received a call from producer John Mac of ‘H Blood’ records on a Saturday morning informing them that they are suppose to perform that evening with very little time for preparation the wild ride to their Night of Fame begins.