Beat Script

This is our beat script in chronological order outlining the key actions in our animation:

1. Two guys watching TV.
2. Close up of TV, new song plays on MTV.
3. Guys run off to the garage where their homestudio is.
4. Gee gee and Dflow are jamming.
5. Recording song onto CD.
6. Gee gee kisses the envolope/package containing the CD. Close-up.
7. Dropping the package in a mailbox.
8. Gee gee and Dflow waiting around, getting nervous.
9. Gee gee and Dflow get a call from John Mac of 'H Blood' records.
10. Gee gee and Dflow are excited and head for the wardrobe to change.
11. They go to the main studio of John Mac of 'H Blood'records.
12. They start recording and worked out their performance for the night at Club Horseshit.
13. John Mac of 'H Blood'record's main producer hands Gee gee and Dflows outfit for their performance.
14. They start driving to Club Horseshit in their limo.
15. Walks in, greet people.
16. Await their performance in the VIP section.
17. On stage, performing.
18. Crowds cheering.
19. Crowd gathers around as they leaving the club.
20. Driving off into the night which concludes their night of fame.