Plot Synopsis

The story starts out with two guys, Gee gee and Dflow. They're casually watching TV. Suddenly, a new video pops on MTV and they get all excited. They quickly jump into their garage where they keep their little home studio and starts writing and recording music. Gee gee and Dflow always wanted to make it big in the music industry but they could never write the perfect song.

While they're at their home studio, Gee gee sits by the computer while Dflow is standing by the mic doing the vocals. They are getting really into it and something just might come out of this recording session. After recording, they decided this one song they just recorded stood out so they chucked it on a CD and sent it out to John Mac of ‘H Blood’ records.

Gee gee and Dflow wait excitely for John Mac of 'H Blood' records to respond to their CD. Time flys by and still there was no reply from John Mac of ‘H Blood’ records. Then, one saturday morning Gee gee and Dflow get an urgent call from John Mac of ‘H Blood’ records saying that they need to perform at Club Horseshit. He also said that he DID call them back, but he left a voice mail.

After getting John Mac of ‘H Blood’ record's call, Gee gee and Dflow rush to get changed and their journey begins.